Something is not quite right, Australia.

We’re being asked to give up a lot of control over our lives.

When will we get our Freedom back?


Politicians don’t follow their own rules.

Do you feel like you can still trust our Government?


The official story keeps changing every day.

Do you feel like you can still trust the Media?


It’s time to find out what has really been going on.

You are not alone.

At the start, they told us it would be two weeks to flatten the curve.

And it made sense. At the time.

Just stay inside to make sure that the hospitals weren’t overrun.

Now, It almost seems like this Pandemic will never end.

No matter what happens, the people in charge just keep pushing on.

Why does the Science keep changing?

Some days it seems like they are just making it up as they go.

Are any of these health precautions really worth it?

More people have died from suicide than from the virus.

Do the benefits really outweigh the costs?

We were supposed to get back to normal, but the goalposts keep moving.

Is this much destruction acceptable?

How do we get our Freedoms back?

We never signed up for this.

Lockdowns have been enforced so unfairly, but nobody seems to care.

Why do our political leaders break the rules they make for us?

Everyone keeps repeating that the vaccine is safe and effective.

 So then why are people being forced to get it?

We were supposed to all be in this together.

So, why are Government Employees exempt from vaccine mandates?

They said that the vaccines have been thoroughly tested.

So, why are the manufacturers exempt from liability for injuries?

The vaccine was supposed to be the pathway to return Freedom.

Why do we now need to get boosters stay Free?

Vaccine passports are just locking in the control permanently.

Why do we need ongoing vaccines if the first two worked?

People just want to be able to provide for their family.

How did we let this happen?

Our future has never been so uncertain.

Is this the life we want for our children?

Let’s explore what is really behind all of this.


Corporate Power Structure

The Mainstream Media

Government Corruption

Social Media Censorship

The Medical System

The World Health Organization


The Wuhan Institute of Virology

Event 201 Pandemic Simulation


Vaccine Passports

Social Credit System

The Banking System

Central Bank Digital Currencies

The World Economic Forum

The International Deep State

The Great Reset

Corporate Power Structure

Corporate Power Structure…

The Mainstream Media

The Mainstream Media…

Government Corruption

Government Corruption…

Social Media Censorship

Social Media Censorship…

The Medical System

The Medical System…

The World Health Organization

The World Health Organization..



The Wuhan Institute of Virology

The Wuhan Institute of Virology..

Event 201 Pandemic Simulation

Event 201 Pandemic Simulation…



Vaccine Passports

Vaccine Passports…

Social Credit System

Social Credit System..

The Banking System

The Banking System…

Central Bank Digital Currencies

Central Bank Digital Currencies..

The World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum…

The International Deep State

The International Deep State..

The Great Reset

The Great Reset…